Around Agamon Hahula there are great hiking trails you can do. But Hiking at Agamon Hahula should commence in the very early morning. Around dawn! Especially if you won’t see some migrating birds. But wait what makes Hahula so special? So Israel is situated in on a corridor along with one of the world’s most important and busiest migration flyways. In fact, twice a year more than 500 million birds from 550 species fly over Israel. Comparatively, the entire continent of America which is a thousand times Israel’s size sees barely twice as many species. So hiking on Agamon Hahula could be a wonderful experience apart from the actual hike.

The best time is between late August and Mid December. Then hundreds of millions of birds leave their nesting grounds in Europe and Asia and cross Israel on their way to the wintering ground in Africa. Israel as a whole and Lake Hahula particularly is their last “fueling” spot before their long travel over the Sahara Desert The peak is around November so you should take that into account. But this, not the only chance to see it. Also, the Springtime from March to Mid-April brings the same excitement to bring the same amount of birds just the other direction.

Hiking at Agamon HaHula: The Lakeside Route
Around the beautiful Hula Lake; Recently a new trail was paved. It’s a special path for bicycles and electric buggies; and the perimeter has been planted with fruit trees (fig, mulberry) and trees suited to an aquatic environment (oriental plane (Platanus orientalis); willow; poplar and Syrian ash (Fraxinus syriaca); which provide shelter for the picnic tables nearby. On my tours, I try to make it to the sunrise but if not that is not possible so coming around sunset is also a good time. So I invite you to join me at the Hahula Valley Private Tours.