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Hiking Wadi Murabba'at

Exploring Israel

Hiking Wadi Murabba’at is a real experience but not meant for everyone! Wadi Murabba’at, also known as Nahal Darga, is a ravine cut by a seasonal stream that runs from the Judean desert east of Bethlehem past the Herodium down to the Dead Sea. Furthermore, it was in these caves Jewish fighters hid during the Bar Kochba revolt; leaving behind documents that include some letters signed by Simon Bar Kochba.

Hiking Wadi Murabba’at is challenging! There are two ways to hike the area. There is a shorter trail suitable for families but those who know how to walk and carry their weight. It’s a circular route about 4 km long and passes through a less steep part of the stream. The route is suitable for kids from the age of 10. The trail will take you to the interesting Murabba’at caves.

One of the things you will learn while Hiking Wadi Murabba’at is that in the cave, there is a collection of letters and administrative documents from the period of the Bar Kubba revolt (132-135 CE). Murabba’at caves seem to have been used by the rebel fighters as a hiding place while fleeing the Romans. The great distance from any settlement area, the size of the caves, and their proximity to a water source made the caves where they chose to settle and, therefore, brought with them documents from Herodium from which they fled. Bar Kochba wrote some of the scrolls found, and until then, it was not clear if he was a real or legendary figure.

Hiking Wadi Murabba’at – A Journey Through Time and Wilderness

Hiking Wadi Murabba’at is an unforgettable experience that transports adventurers back in time, unraveling the mysteries of the desert’s history and its ancient inhabitants. As hikers traverse this rugged and storied terrain, they embark on a journey that blends history, nature, and spirituality, creating a bond between the modern traveler and the timeless wilderness. Wadi Murabba’at is a testament to the enduring allure of the desert, beckoning adventurers to explore its ancient secrets and embrace the boundless wonder of the Judean Desert’s timeless embrace.


Hi! My name is Arik, an Israeli native who dedicated his life to sharing my passion for the Holy Land with those interested in knowing more about this incredible piece of land. I’m the Chief Guide at ‘APT Private Tours in Israel’.

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