So it is without question that a country so deeply intertwined with the Jewish faith would create a magnificent memorial to the victims of the Holocaust. Yad Vashem, known as the Holocaust Museum; is the official memorial honoring the memory of the dead; the Jews who fought against their Nazi oppressors; and the non-Jews who took a personal risk to help the Jewish people throughout the Holocaust.

Yad Vashem New Museum
Many agree that this memorial is a must-see destination on your visit. It is the second-most-visited Israeli tourist site with about one million visitors a year who want to learn about this atrocious event and pay their respects to the lives lost. By visiting Yad Vashem, you will be able to engage with the history and despair that was left behind by this tragedy not only through the exhibits; but also through the humble memorials such as the Avenue of the Righteous Among the Nations.
If you’re interested I wrote a cool post about the new Museum and its design. So click on this link for more!

Yad Vashem – A Muse-See Site in Jerusalem
Located just outside of Jerusalem on Mount Herzl, otherwise known as the Mount of Remembrance, Yad Vashem splits into two distinct areas. First is the area is for the scientific study of the Holocaust; and other genocides that feature a research institute; library; publishing house; and educational center. Second is the area is dedicated to memorials.

The Museum Offers Many Diffrent Expriences
Here you will find the Holocaust History Museum; the Children’s Memorial; the Hall of Remembrance; the Museum of Holocaust art, and other memorials. Within the Holocaust Museum, you can tour the interactive displays that feature photographs; letters; documents; artwork; films; and more items created during the Holocaust. One chilling exhibit in the Holocaust Museum is the Hall of Names; which contains over three million Holocaust victims’ names.

Namely, Yad Vashem began in 1953 as an organization to document the Jewish peoples’ experience of the Holocaust and the memory of the victims; so that this atrocity would never be forgotten. “Yad Vashem” literally means “memorial and a name.” In other words, it was to convey that even though there were no people to carry on the victims’ names; they would be remembered forever.

In fact, the phrase comes from the Book of Isaiah; which translates to “To them, I will give within my temple and its walls a memorial and a name better than sons and daughters; I will give them an everlasting name that will endure forever.” Moreover, the original museum from 1957 was replaced with a larger and more impressive museum in 2005. And by taking a Yad Vashem private tour with me; you will experience the Holocaust museum through a local’s eyes and what it means for all of us who live here.
Yad Vashem Opening Hours
Holocaust History Museum:
Sunday – Thursday
Fridays and Holiday eves