The Second Temple model of Jerusalem on display at the Israel Museum is a 50:1 scale replica of the city as it appeared in the year 66 CE, just before the Roman siege and destruction of the Second Temple in 70 CE. The model is an impressive work of art and history that provides visitors with a unique opportunity to see what Jerusalem looked like during the Second Temple period.

In This Photo: The Model as Seen From A Raised Platform Like You Were Looking at it From Mt. Olives View Point. You Can See the Area of Temple Mt. The Upper City (The Area with the Red Roofs).

First, the Second Temple Model of Jerusalem covers an area of over 2,000 square feet and is made of Jerusalem stone. It was constructed between 1961 and 1966 by Israeli historian and geographer Michael Avi-Yonah, who worked with experts to ensure the model was as accurate as possible.

Israel Musuem Tour
Israel Archaeological Seven Day Tour - Israel Museum
In This Photo: The New Archeological Wing at the Israel Museum

Furthermore, the model is housed in a large, open-air courtyard that allows visitors to see the city from a birdseye view. Visitors can walk around the model on a raised platform, which allows them to see the city from different angles and perspectives.

In This Photo: The Antonia, Where According to Some Views Jesus Was Trailed by Pontius Pilate

Moreover, the Second Temple Model of Jerusalem shows the entire city of Jerusalem as it appeared in the year 66 CE, including the city walls, gates, streets, buildings, and landmarks. Visitors can see the massive stones used in the construction of the city walls, as well as the intricate details of the architectural design of the buildings.

In This Photo: You Can See One of the Gates to the City. That Area is Today Where Jaffa Gate is. Next to it is A Tower We Know Herod Built With Two Others to Protect His Palace, Which Was Adjacent to Them. After the Romans Destroyed Jerusalem in the Year 70 CE. They Kept These Three Towers Still Standing to Show How Fortified Jerusalem Was.

Second Temple Model of Jerusalem – What Can You See?

In Addition, the Second Temple Model of Jerusalem includes several important sites and landmarks, such as the Temple Mount, Western Wall, Antonia Fortress, Bethesda Pool, Siloam, and Herodian Quarter. Visitors can also see the different sections of the city, such as the Upper City, Lower City, and the City of David.

Furthermore, one of the model’s most impressive features is the representation of the Second Temple complex, which includes the Temple itself, the outer court, and the surrounding buildings. Visitors can see the Temple as it appeared during its heyday, with its massive stones and intricate architectural design details.

In This Photo: Zooming in on the Second Temple.

Overall, the Second Temple Model of Jerusalem on display at the Israel Museum is an incredible work of art and history that provides visitors with a unique opportunity to see what the city looked like during the Second Temple period. It is an essential attraction for anyone interested in the history of Jerusalem and the Jewish people. For Tickets, here is the Israel Museum Website!

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