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Gadot Lookout

Destinations in the Golan

Gadot Lookout (Gadot Observation Point) is a memorial site and observation site in the Golan Heights. Until the Six Day War, the place served as a Syrian outpost called “(Al) Murtafa”. This outpost was one of the most fortified outposts in the Golan, in whose territory communication channels and minefields survived.

Gadot Lookout controls the main road that ascends to the Golan Heights via the Banot Yaakov Bridge. At the top of the bunker, a memorial monument to the “Golan” Brigade (Alexandroni); to soldiers who fell from the Six Day War. The direction of the monument symbolizes the departure of the division to the Rift Valley in the Golan Heights during the War. The Gadot Observation Point faces west toward the Hula Valley, demonstrating the significant strategic advantage the Syrians had over Israel before the war. The control of the Syrian outpost was mainly over Kibbutz Gadot, which suffered greatly from the heavy shelling.

More About Gadot Lookout

When the forces of the Alexandroni Brigade occupied the post in the Six Day War, the soldiers were astonished by how much the Syrian outpost controlled Kibbutz Gadot and the brigade commander, Emanuel Shaked, transmitted the words from the post to the members of the Kibbutz:

“From here you look seven times bigger.”

Brigade Commander, Emanuel Shaked

So this statement was engraved in basalt stone at the memorial site. Now his intention was that only when one sees the absolute control of the outpost over the kibbutz can one understand how difficult it was for the kibbutz members to withstand the shelling from the outpost.


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