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Eilat's Coral Beach Nature Reserve

Exploring Israel

Would you like to sip a sweet drink on the shoreline, basking in the sun and letting all your worries wash away in the salty water? You can do that by visiting the Eilat Coral Beach Nature Reserve. The Eilat Coral Beach Nature Reserve is a fantastic destination for those looking to escape the city’s hustle and embrace nature at its finest.

Whether you want to build sandcastles with your children, take a scuba dive into the reef, or learn about the sea’s most fascinating creatures at the Coral World Underwater Observatory, this is the idyllic getaway. Come for a day, a week, or a month; it doesn’t matter. There is always something to do in this lovely location. It’s a great thing to do if you’re in Eilat

More About Eilat Coral Beach Nature Reserve 

Coral reefs are one of the largest structures made by living creatures, and the one at the Eilat Coral Beach Nature Reserve is nothing short of spectacular. As the northernmost reef in the world, it took a unique mixture of natural elements for this incredible reef to thrive. The gulf’s long shape with the surrounding towering mountains and high, stable water temperature were essential factors in its making.

In This Photo: Lionfish Found in the Rare Fish Exhibition at the Underwater Observatory Park

Combine that with the lack of a continental shelf, and you have the perfect brew to make a reef that not only boasts a plethora of stunning creatures but is also home to endemic species (those who only live in Red Sea coral reefs.) The reef itself is relatively young, at only 2,500 years old, and boasts about 100 species of coral. In all reality, coral reefs are like underwater cities where the coral is the fabric of construction, and the sea creatures are the bustling citizens. 

Coral World Underwater Observatory

It is no surprise to locals that the New York Times named the Coral World Underwater Observatory at Eilat Coral Beach Nature Reserve as one of the Places to Go in 2019. As the most significant public aquarium in the Middle East, with over 800 species to witness; this observatory must be at the top of your checklist when visiting the reserve.

In This Photo: The Underwater Observatory Park

Founded in 1974, the observatory went to great lengths to create a center that permanently did not harm the natural environment. Within the observatory, there are various exhibits that you will love to experience, including the Red Sea circular exhibit (a 360-degree viewing room), turtle and stingray pools, a rare fish exhibit, and more! You can see everything from the spectacular lionfish to tiny seahorses. Young or old, you will have a blast enjoying the magic of the sea at Coral World. 

Things to Do in EIlat With Kids

Eilat Coral Beach Nature Reserve Opening Hours:

Last entry to the site: one hour before the cited closing time

Summer Hours: 

Sunday–Thursday and Saturday: 09:00-18:00 

Friday and holiday eves: 09:00-17:00

Winter Hours: 

Sunday–Thursday and Saturday: 09:00-17:00 

Friday and holiday eves: 09:00-16:00 

Holiday eves: 09:00-13:00 

Yom Kippur eve: 09:00-13:00 

On holidays and Saturdays, I recommend arriving early; entry is based on space availability.

Phone: ‎+(00)972-(0)8-6326422.

Here is a link to the park authority website!


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