Ramat Hanadiv Gardens

Destinations in Israel

Ramat Hanadiv Gardens is an extensive nature park established around the grave plot of Baron Benjamin Edmond de Rothschild, located near Zichron Yaakov, perched on the slopes of Mt. Carmel. In addition, around the baron’s grave and his wife Ada stretches an area of about 17 Acres of well-tended gardens. The baron and his wife were buried in Ramat Handiv Gardens in April 1954 in a state reburial ceremony.

Ramat Hanadiv Gardens
In This Photo: The Tomb of the Baron
Credit: Michal Freiman Pikiwiki Israel, CC BY 2.5, via Wikimedia Commons

A Little More About Ramat Handiv Gardens

So after you toured major sites like Caesarea, what else can you do in Mt. Carmel? No doubt about it! Ramat Hanadiv Gardens are a perfect option! The gardens are surrounded by an open area of about one thousand Acres in the Rothschild family’s possession. A mountainous level characterizes the area, mostly built of limestone rocks and, on top of them, red-brown Terra Rossa soil.

Botanical Gardens in Israel

The plateau slopes down to a fertile valley full of vineyards in the east. You can visit a lovely winery while visiting the area, Tishbi Winery. In Addition, the plateau ends in a cliff where dolomite rocks are exposed in the west. Yellowish marl volcanic tuff rocks between the limestone and dolomite layers are exposed in the plateau valleys and on the heights of the western cliff.

Ramat Handiv Gardens New Visitor Center

In 2008, a visitor center was opened near the entrance to the garden, designed by the architect Ada Karmi, built as a green mound covered by soil and vegetation. Inside is a hall where a film is shown about Baron Rothschild and his huge contribution to the Land of Israel, a gallery for changing exhibitions, an information center for visitors. And a cafeteria. And a restaurant. This center was the first building in Israel to receive a green building standard. In its construction, energy saving, integration into the landscape, and minimization of environmental impact were emphasized. Here is a link to Ramat Hanadaiv Website.

In This Photo: The Tomb of the Baron Benjamin Edmond de Rothschild And His Wife.
Credit: Avi1111 , CC BY 2.5, via Wikimedia Commons

Last, there is also a lovely restaurant (Mataim) in the Gardens where you can rest and have a nice meal after you enjoy exploring the park. Also nearby is a breathtaking nature reserve you can hike for a couple of hours overlooking the Med Sea. So don’t think about it too much, and let’s go touring Israel!

Ramat Handiv Opening Hours:

Sun-Thur: 08:00 – 16:00
Friday 08:00 – 14:00
Saturday 08:00 – 16:00

How to get to Ramat Handiv Gardens?


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