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Mount Carmel National Park

Things to do in Israel

First, you should note that Mount Carmel National Park in Israel is the largest national park in the country! In fact, the reservation is extending over most of the Carmel mountain range. Since the relatively high altitude brings lots of rainfall, enriching the area with lots of pine forests and other natural groves. As a result, in springtime, hundreds of plants blossom, and the abundance of water might explain why this area is settled since the Stone Age!   

Mount Carmel National Park
In This Photo: A Cave in Wadi Oren, Mount Carmel. The Importance of the Site Stems From Two Factors: It Is One of the Only Places in the Levant Where the Transition Between the Epipaleolithic and the Neolithic Period Is Documented, i.e. From a Society of Hunters and Gatherers to an Agricultural Society.

Therefore, Mount Carmel National Park has numerous bicycle and walking paths; a dedicated nature reserve; and over 250 archeological sites of prehistoric human habitations. The park is one of the largest open spaces in northern Israel. If you want to get an idea of a Mediterranean ecosystem, this is the place to go to in Israel. And that’s why in 1996, it was recognized by UNESCO as a biosphere reserve. Moreover, it includes a rich inventory of geological phenomena; prehistoric artifacts; biodiversity, and landscapes. 

Mount Carmel National Park – Things to Do

One option is checking out the Carmel Hai-Bar Nature Reserve: This fantastic project is meant to breed animals in danger of extinction or which have become extinct in the area and return them into the wild. Moreover, the Hai-Bar has Persian fallow and roe deer breeding cells. Please note that the reserve is open to visitors on Saturdays and holidays.

In This Photo: Roe Deer Which Were Returned From the Hai-Bar to the Wild at Mount Carmel. After They Were Excintct in the Early 20th Century
(Credit: Kristjan Teär CC BY-SA 4.0)

Another great trail in the park is Kelah Stream (“Little Switzerland”): It’s a 2 miles circular trail through woodland and cliff landscapes. The path passes alongside a large geological notch, one of the symbols of the Carmel. Persian fallow-deer have been released into the wild in this area and who knows you might be lucky and encounter one. 

Atrractions Near Mt. Carmel

Today In the area, there are lots of cool things to do! Including picturesque towns like Zichron Yaakov that is officially one of the first Jewish Colonies established in the 19th century. Today you can walk the very first streets of the town that kept the original appearances. 

In This Photo: The Main Street of the Jewish Colony, Zichron Yaakov, Which is Dotted with Cafes and Restaurants

Another option is to visit Haifa which slopes on the north side of Mount Carmel. There you can check out the Bahai Gardens which are officially a UNESCO world heritage site. Lastly, the southern slopes of Mount Carmel National Park are Ramat Hanadiv Memorial Gardens and Nature Park, which are living memory of LeBron Benjamin Edmond De Rothschild.

In This Photo: Nahal Mearot Nature Reserve, A World Heritage Site by UNESCO

I recommend checking out one of my itineraries for private tours in the area. In my tours, I like to combine a visit to one of the local national parks and a visit to one of the best wineries in the area, like Margalit Winery. So don’t think about my friends too much and book a tour. I promise you will have the time of your life!


Hi! My name is Arik, an Israeli native who dedicated his life to sharing my passion for the Holy Land with those interested in knowing more about this incredible piece of land. I’m the Chief Guide at ‘APT Private Tours in Israel’.

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