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Hai-Bar Carmel Nature Reserve

Wildlife in Israel

Would you like to take a break from the hustle and bustle of the hot spot tourist destinations and embrace nature at its finest? Perched on Mount Carmel in northern Israel is the stunning Hai-Bar Carmel Nature Reserve. Established in the 1960s by Uri Tzon and Gen. Avraham Woffee, they wanted to create a space where they could restore Israel’s wildlife; which had been extremely decimated due to hunting; deforestation; and poisoning. Spanning 1,500 acres, this nature reserve is dedicated to raising endangered and near-extinct animals with the hope of re-introduction to the world.

Hai-Bar Carmel Nature Reserve: An Abundance of Wildlife

At Hai-Bar Carmel Nature Reserve, you will have the opportunity to see various grazing animals and birds of prey. As you explore this amazing nature reserve; you will likely see Persian fallow deer; roe deer, mountain gazelles; wild goats; and wild sheep munching crunching on green foliage. In particular, the roe deer is vital for the ecosystem due to their natural dietary needs, which help maintain adequate forestation. 

If you look to the sky, you may be able to spot the rare griffon vulture; white-tailed eagle; Bonelli’s eagle, and more soaring over the spectacular land they call home. The Griffon Vulture (called an “eagle” in the bible) almost reached the point of extinction in the late 1990s until there were only 60 nesting couples left. So the actions of this reserve are helping to increase the numbers of this powerful species. Also, there are also various cages you can visit that hold wounded eagles in the process of recovering. Once they have been wholly rehabilitated, they will be released back into the environment.

Throughout the Hai-Bar Carmel Nature Reserve, there are observation points where you can look over the spectacular scenery. Also, this region is known as “little Switzerland,” and it is easy to why! You will highly enjoy getting to embrace the beauty of the land and see the animals enjoying their natural habitat. 

But much of the meaning behind the Hai-Bar Carmel Nature Reserve will be lost without an experienced guide showing you the way. So taking a tour with me will allow you to learn about the land; the animals, and the reserve’s hope for the future. While touring Hai-Bar Carmel Nature Reserve, you should also consider touring the Bahai Gardens in Haifa.


Hi! My name is Arik, an Israeli native who dedicated his life to sharing my passion for the Holy Land with those interested in knowing more about this incredible piece of land. I’m the Chief Guide at ‘APT Private Tours in Israel’.

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