How Much to Tip in Israel?

Frequently Asked Questions

So how much to tip in Israel? I mean should you tip the taxi driver when coming from the airport to your hotel? Or when you’re sitting eating a delicious Hummus in Tel Aviv? Well here is the post that will make things clear about everything that is got to do concerning tipping in Israel.

How Much to Tip in Israel: Tipping in Restaurants

So let’s say you’re sitting in Tel Aviv in a nice restaurant, like super expensive so how should you tip? In this case, 10% would be totally fine. Although if you will feel they gave terrific service so naturally, you can leave more, I am sure the waiters wouldn’t mind. Now let’s say you’re sitting in a little Humus joint and the bill is no more than 15-30 USD in that case leaving a minimum of 15% for the staff is expected.

How Much to Tip in Israel? What About Tips While Touring? 

So private tours in Israel are a little different from big bus tours. About 10% of the total quote will be gladly accepted by your tour guide. Drivers as well will be extremely happy if they are tipped about half from would you tip your private tour guide. Now taxi drivers are a different story. Usually, they don’t expect to get a tip. But if you will let keep the change if you feel they brought you to your destination safely; I am sure they will graciously thank you! 

On big bus tours by the way it’s a different story. If by chance you chose to go on those types of tours; then 2-3 USD from each tour participant is totally fine! If visiting a spa while in Israel, it is recommended to tip as well. In general, about 20 shekels are customary, however, if the spa services are more expensive then tip accordingly.



Hi! My name is Arik, an Israeli native who dedicated his life to sharing my passion for the Holy Land with those interested in knowing more about this incredible piece of land. I’m the Chief Guide at ‘APT Private Tours in Israel’.

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