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Ben Gurion Desert Home

Exploring the Negev

So this post is about a cool subject! It’s about David Ben Gurion’s desert home! You may be wondering, “How did one of the most influential men in the state of Israel come to live in a small; developing kibbutz in the desert?” It is a charming story of chance that further demonstrated David Ben Gurion’s love for his country and people. Once, while on a trip, David Ben Gurion noticed a developing kibbutz on the side of the road and asked his team to stop so that he could investigate.

In This Photo: The Furniture Inside the Hut

Being the Prime Minister, a sudden change of plans is never easy. Still, his security team made it possible for David Ben Gurion to visit the group of pioneering families that had moved here. After he visited the little kibbutz; Ben Gurion was truly inspired by what he saw and requested their permission to join the community. The group was shocked by his proposal and wavered on whether to admit him due to his age. Eventually, it was put to a vote; and Ben Gurion and his wife were accepted by a single vote margin! Thus, the happy story of David Ben Gurion’s desert home. 

Ben-Gurion House in Tel Aviv
Ben Gurion House Tel Aviv

Ben Gurion Desert Home

Another question that may pop into your head is, “Why would settlers move to the desert?” Many pioneers believed that the development of the Negev was vital for the continued success of the state of Israel and the Jewish people. Ben Gurion was a vocal supporter of this action and eventually took it upon himself to do the same. David Ben Gurion’s desert home is in the Sde Boker kibbutz in the Negev Desert in southern Israel. David Ben Gurion was fascinated by Sde Boker and considered him to be a trailblazer and an example that others should follow. While Sde Boker started small, today, the kibbutz’s primary industries are the vineyard and corresponding winery, tourism, and agriculture. 

In This Photo: Ben Gurion’s Bed

When visiting Ben Gurion’s home, it is like stepping back in time as the home has been preserved since his passing in 1973. You can get a real glimpse into his everyday life from the slippers sitting by the bed to the open books just waiting to be read. David Ben Gurion’s desert home also features his study and library; where you can see 5,000 of his books (just a small portion of his library) to identify his interests.

In This Photo: Ben Gurion’s Tomb

Recently, David Ben Gurion’s desert home has added three exhibits. The first features the Kibbutz Sde Boker and its hope for Negev. The second is a gaming room with interactive displays about the Negev; IDF, and the important role played by the Israeli Youth. The last is a theater that shows a movie about David Ben Gurion’s life. All of the exhibits throughout his desert home will fascinate and inspire you. 

Opening Hours:

Sunday-Thursday: 08:30-16:00
Fridays and Holiday Eves: 08:30-14:00
Saturday and Holidays 10:00-16:00
Try to get at least an hour before closing for the best experience.

Here is a link to their website


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Modern Settling of the Negev Desert


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