Church of Bartholomew

Destinations in Cana

The Church of Bartholomew is located in the quaint Village of Cana.  The church is named after Saint Bartholomew, one of the twelve apostles of Jesus Christ, and is an important destination on route to the Sea of Galilee. 

Church of Bartholomew
In This Photo: The Church in Cana
Credit: Chris06, CC BY-SA 4.0, via Wikimedia Commons

According to the Bible, the Church of Bartholomew is where he lived, not far from where Jesus performed his first miracle of turning water into wine at a wedding feast

This miracle is considered the start of his public ministry and an important event in Christian history. The Church of Bartholomew is built very near to where this miracle took place, and the original wedding feast is believed to be held in the exact location. 

The Wedding Church in Cana
the Wedding Church
In This Photo: The Wedding Church Next to the Church of Bartholomew

Bartholomew, also known as Nathanael, was one of the twelve apostles of Jesus Christ. Although there is little information about Bartholomew in the Bible, he was an important figure in the early Christian church and played a significant role in spreading the gospel message. 

According to the Gospel of John, Bartholomew was introduced to Jesus by his friend Philip, who Jesus had called to be his disciple. When Philip told Bartholomew that he had found the Messiah, Bartholomew was initially skeptical, asking, “Can anything good come out of Nazareth?” 

However, when he met Jesus, he was convinced of his divine nature, and Jesus proclaimed him to be a “true Israelite in whom there is no deceit.” Bartholomew is often mentioned alongside Philip in the Gospels, and the two are believed to have worked closely together in spreading the message of Jesus. 

Bartholomew is often mentioned alongside Philip in the Gospels, and the two are believed to have worked closely together in spreading the message of Jesus. The Gospel of John also says Bartholomew is present at the resurrection of Jesus and the miraculous catch of fish on the Sea of Galilee.


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