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Little Western Wall

Destinations in Jerusalem

The Little Western Wall is a Jewish religious site located in the Muslim Quarter of the Old City of Jerusalem near the Iron Gate to the Temple Mount. Moreover, it dates from the Second Temple period, (516 BCE – 70 CE). In fact, it is the continuation of the larger part of the Western Wall and almost exactly faces the Holy of Holies. Moreover, it is not as well-known and not as crowded as the larger part of the Wailing Wall. Also, this section of the wall is of deep spiritual significance because of its close proximity to the Holy of Holies. However, it is not the closest location to the Holy of Holies, as there is a location in the Western Wall Tunnel that directly faces the Holy of Holies.

Unlike the more famous Wailing Wall, it does not have a large plaza facing it. In this way, it resembles the situation of the Wailing Wall as it appeared before the Six-Day War of 1967 before the Moroccan Quarter was razed and the Western Wall Plaza added. The Kotel Katan has a narrow alley, and only the two lowest courses (rows of building stones) date from the Second Temple period. Unlike those on the Western Wall, the stones have not been worn smooth by the touch of millions of worshippers.

How to Get to the Wall in the Muslim Quarter?

So in order to make things easy, I’ve put here a google map that shows you how to get there. It’s not complicated, you will just need to get first to the Muslim Quarter in Old Town Jerusalem, and once you’re there it’s quite easy!


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