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Hermon Stream Nature Reserve

Golan's Top Destinations

When touring Israel, Hermon Stream Nature Reserve is a must-see destination to add to your checklist. To locals, it is often referred to as Banias Nature Reserve, but no matter what you call it, it is an excellent day trip for solo travelers, partners, and families. Hermon Stream Nature Reserve derives its fame from its waterfall, the largest waterfall in Israel that flows year-round with its unique hanging trail. Thousands of visitors enjoy taking a break from the hustle and bustle of the city to enjoy the tranquility and beauty of Hermon Stream Nature Reserve. Here you will see not only the waterfall and hanging trail but also spectacular ruins, unique geology, and an abundance of flora and fauna. Make sure to bring your camera, because you never know what stunning shot is waiting just around the corner.

More About Hermon Stream Nature Reserve

The Hermon Stream Nature Reserve is split into two different parks (but your entry ticket covers both). The fastest way to see the famous Banias Waterfall is through the Banias Fall Park. By starting or ending your adventure in the parking lot, you will be able to buy delightful snacks like ice cream and hot Druze pitas from the vendors.

Caesarea Philippi
In This Photo: The Ruins of Ancient Caesarea Philippi Near Hermon Stream Nature Reserve

You will follow the trail to get to the waterfall; you will even go over the hanging trail, which suspends 100 meters close to the swift waters. In total, the walk takes about 45-minutes to complete, not including the time you spend enjoying the waterfall itself. The Banias Waterfalls cascade 10 meters in a showering of rainbow mists that will make you genuinely appreciate the power and beauty of nature at its finest.

The second entrance to the Hermon Stream Nature Reserve is through Banias Springs Park. Did you know that “Banias” is a mistranslation into Arabic, meaning “Paneus,” which refers to the Greek god Pan, the god of nature? That is where the park gets its name. So when you visit the Springs Park; you will understand the reason behind Pan’s Cave’s name.

Rujum Al Hiri 

If you look closely at the cave, you will see five niches cut into the cliff that was once the location of a shrine to Pan. The area around Pan’s Cave is pleasantly tranquil and utterly relaxing with the slow-moving stream and the ancient ruins. You can explore the ruined temples and courts that were originally built by Herod’s son.

Hermon Stream Nature Reserve Opening Hours:

Last entry to the site: one hour before cited closing time

Summer Hours:

Sunday–Thursday and Saturday: 08:00-17:00

Friday and holiday eves: 08:00-16:00

Winter Hours:

Sunday–Thursday and Saturday: 08:00-16:00

Friday and holiday eves: 08:00-15:00

Holiday eves: 08:00-13:00

Yom Kippur eve: 08:00-13:00

On holidays and Saturdays, I recommend arriving early, entry is based on the availability of space.

Phone: ‎+(00)972-(0)4-6902577


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