The Camels

Negev Ultimate Guide - Camel Ride

The Camel have been essential companions to humans for ages, serving as a lifeline in some of the world’s most inhospitable environments.

Desert Plants Adaptations

Wildlife In The Arava Valley: Umbrella Thorn Acacia

Some of the world’s most incredible desert plant adaptations have evolved to thrive in these harsh extreme environments.

The Buzzard


The buzzard, a majestic bird of prey, graces the skies of the Land of Israel with its presence, adding to this ancient land’s natural beauty.

Arabian Wolf

Arabian wolf in Jordan Front

The Arabian wolf is a fascinating and essential predator that plays a vital role in the ecosystems of Israel and the surrounding region.

Butterflies of Israel


Where are the best places to spot Butterflies in Israel? Which Butterflies can you actually see in the Holy Land? All about it in this post!

Balkan Pond Turtle


In Israel. The Balkan pond turtle can be found in the country’s wetlands, rivers, and other freshwater habitats.

Red-eared Slider

Red-eared Slider

Red-eared sliders are now in several water sources nationwide, including streams, rivers, ponds, and artificial pools in parks.

Nile SoftShell Turtle

Nile Softshell Turtle

The softshell Nile turtle, also known as the African softshell turtle, is a species of freshwater turtle that can be found in parts of Israel

Persian Fallow Deer

Persian Fallow Deer

The Persian fallow deer (Mesopotamian fallow deer) is a beautiful and rare species native to the Middle East. It was once widespread throughout the region but is now found only in a few isolated populations due to hunting and habitat destruction. One of these populations is found in Israel, where the deer is considered a […]

Rock Hyrax

Rock Hyrax

The rock hyrax, also known as the rock badger or coney, is a fascinating and unique mammal found in the land of Israel.

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