Ketef Hinnom Scrolls


The Ketef Hinnom Scrolls, is archaeological discovery that has offered a glimpse into ancient Jerusalem’s religious practices and beliefs.

Raymond Weill

Raymond Weill

Raymond Weill is best known for his excavations in Jerusalem, where he uncovered a large part of the City of David, the capital of Judah.

John Garstang

John Garstang

John Garstang, a prominent British archaeologist, left an indelible mark on the field of archaeology with his groundbreaking excavations.

Tell el-Hesi

Tell el-Hesi

Tell el-Hesi stands as a testament to the ancient past and its intricate tapestry of history, culture, and human endeavors.



The ancient city of Gibeah, steeped in biblical history and intrigue, invites curious travelers to uncover its long-buried secrets.

William Albright

William Albright

William F. Albright’s work in biblical archaeology and scholarly contributions continue to shape our understanding of the ancient world.

Frederick Jones Bliss

Frederick Jones Bliss

Frederick J. Bliss conducted several critical archaeological excavations in Palestine, often collaborating with other archaeologists.

Lachish Letters

Lachish Letters

The Lachish Letters were uncovered during excavations in the 1930s at the ancient city of Lachish, located southwest of Jerusalem.

Lachish Reliefs

Lachish Reliefs

The Lachish Reliefs portray the siege and capture of the Judean city of Lachish in 701 BCE. This event is also recorded in the Bible!

James Leslie Starkey

James Leslie Starkey

James Leslie Starkey was a distinguished archaeologist whose groundbreaking work at Tel Lachish, an ancient city in present-day Israel.

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